The Printing Process

At ahla, I want to create a truly unique and one of a kind product. My intention isn’t output or speed, it’s creating a piece of functional artwork with a focused, daily creative practice. I want to create something that I can feel proud of and excited to put out into the world.

Each item is designed and handcrafted in house, from concept and pattern design to the finished product. The stamps are designed, carved and printed by hand. The sewing patterns are all original and refined to be aesthetically pleasing and functionally sound. 

My process requires a certain attention to detail and precision that is time-consuming but both very fulfilling and calming. Designing my patterns and prints, cutting the fabric and carving the stamps, and aligning each print meticulously, gives very little margin for error and has to be done slowly and methodically.

I find balance in the process and make space for artistic expression by printing each item one at a time — mixing my colors as I go and using my stamps interchangeably — I’m able to use my stamps and colors in a free flowing and playful way,  providing an ease that rounds out the experience as a whole.